Rahul Mohindar of Viratechindia is of the view that one can stay invested in Tata Steel & SAIL for long as a trader.

Mohindar told CNBC-TV18, "Metals, one has been upbeat for over last one month, we have been talking about stocks like Nalco which have been showing tremendous out performance, over the last 2-3 weeks, that stock just jumped to anywhere between Rs 150-200, so very interesting that if you look at Hindalco or a Nalco, from a trader’s point of view, if you are trying to bet this market 2-3 weeks down, maybe this is the space that you want to look at, even after the crack we saw yesterday, in Tata Steel or SAIL, makes me very comfortable at these levels to stay long as a trader, that two to three week type of a perspective on a short term trading point of view, metals is definitely one that I would like to be in."

Disclosure: It is safe to assume that analyst personally do not hold any of the stocks. However he may have recommended some of them to his clients.

Source : MoneyControl